As artificial intelligence (AI) technology continues to evolve, marketers find themselves with a growing toolbox that can help streamline their efforts and maximize return on investment. Hootsuite Insights, Crayon, and MarketMuse are three AI tools that have revolutionized the marketing landscape, particularly by streamlining tasks and saving marketers a substantial amount of time. These powerful solutions can assist marketers in areas like social media management, competitive analysis, and content strategy, respectively.

This article will provide an in-depth look at each of these three AI marketing tools and offer advice on how to use them efficiently.


1. Hootsuite Insights


Hootsuite Insights is a social media listening tool that leverages AI to provide businesses with detailed insights into what’s being said about their brand, competitors, and industry on social media. By monitoring conversations in real-time across numerous platforms, it helps marketers track brand sentiment, identify influencers, and understand customer behavior.

How to Use It:

To make the most out of Hootsuite Insights, you need to take a strategic approach to the data it provides. Start by setting up alerts for specific keywords related to your brand and competitors. This way, you’ll get real-time updates on relevant conversations happening across social platforms.

Take the time to analyze the sentiment behind these conversations. This can provide valuable insights into the general perception of your brand and highlight areas for improvement. Also, by identifying and engaging with key influencers, you can potentially expand your brand reach and influence.


2. Crayon


Crayon is an AI-driven competitive analysis tool that allows marketers to track, analyze, and react to every move their competitors make. It collects data from over 100 different types of sources, including websites, social media, and review sites, then uses machine learning to generate actionable insights.

How to leverage this tool:

Firstly, outline your competitive landscape by identifying your direct and indirect competitors. Crayon allows you to set up intelligence fields for each competitor. This setup includes tracking product changes, pricing modifications, and any marketing strategy shifts.

By constantly comparing your company’s moves against those of your competitors, you can identify gaps in your strategy and take corrective action. Also, the analysis helps to detect patterns and trends, enabling you to anticipate competitors’ actions and stay one step ahead.


3. MarketMuse


MarketMuse is an AI-powered content strategy and planning tool that enables marketers to create high-quality, SEO-friendly content. It uses machine learning to analyze top-ranking content, identify relevant topics, and suggest content improvements.

How to fast track your impact with MarketMuse:

Start by inputting a topic or a keyword into MarketMuse. The tool will then provide you with a list of related topics, questions, and keywords that your content should address to rank well on search engines. This helps ensure your content is comprehensive and relevant to your audience.

Also, use MarketMuse’s “Compete” feature to compare your content against top-performing pieces on the same topic. This analysis will suggest areas for improvement and show you how to create more engaging and valuable content for your audience.

AI is undoubtedly a game-changing tool for all digital marketers to consider. Tools like Hootsuite Insights, Crayon, and MarketMuse allow marketers to leverage the power of AI, transforming massive data sets into actionable insights that can drive more effective marketing strategies – quickly. However, the key to leveraging these tools for maximum ROI truly lies in understanding how to interpret and apply these insights strategically. Only then can marketers harness the full potential of AI and stay ahead of the competition.

The Slogan Tech Team-